This is a solo exhibition by Mysterious Al at the Stolen Space gallery, the exhibition space is not very big but its perfect for this style of work as the gallery is well known for hosting underground style illustrators and graphic designers. all works are thoughtfully laid out around the space, flat pieces were hung on the walls and there were two installations, a colourfully pained broken down garden shed and a small prayed space with crosses made out of wooden branches, candles, spray paint cans and an open bible with cut out pages with a marker pen placed inside. The whole exhibition is vibrant and humorous, which creates a great atmosphere to be in as a viewer. I thought the bible piece was quite successful, as it was an artists way of presenting his strong believes in graphic art by creating almost a shrine for his tools. Wood masks also really stood out for me, because of the way they were composed, layers of wooden pieces painted and carefully placed on top of each other to create a three dimensional effect. I would really like to take this technique into practice and make something similar to these masks in the future.
Mysterious Al Masks 2011 |
Mysterious Al Pisstake 2011 |